The above video is an example of a tasty media snack done by the aptly named MediaSnackers , it illustrates the fragmentation and segmentation of how web friendly folk consume their entertainment and information. The video stresses that 'the young' are media snackers but I'd qualify that and say 'young thinkers'. Jeremiah Owyang started this conversation with his blog entry "Do you respect media snackers? Tell me why." He then tagged five people to respond, they in turn tagged others, and I was tagged by Jane Quigley who has an impressive online presence and is a 12 year veteran of online advertising / marketing. She used Utterz to answer the question in audio. MY ANSWER Of course I respect them, why wouldn't I? I post to twitter, and I blog. I love the 140 character limit because it seems that many writers are so enamored with their own words that they write long. Good writers get their point across quickly. The old model is that writers get pa...
Facebook isn't a news source, it is a social networking tool and it is debatable on how differentiated advertisements need to be from the user generated content. Facebook is a multimedia tool with video and music but the majority of its content is text. If the company employed journalistic Editors there would be a big wall separating the business side from the editorial side. The business side would push for anything that made the ad more effective and the editorial side would push back to insure editorial integrity by completely differentiating advertising from content. Most Editors take this very seriously and don't want there to be a hint of conflict of interest. Above is a screen shot of the news feed I receive from my friends on my Facebook account. The Army ad I circled is troublesome. It does not look different at all from the messages that I get from my friends which is accented by the fact that its from a very controversial advertiser. Should social web sites be...
Om Malik is very concerned because page views and unique users declined in the last month. He thinks they should have gone up because kids went back to school but a) the explosive growth in the Facebook audience comes from folks who don't go to school and b) hopefully most people use Facebook in their leisure time which they probably had more of in August. I think there is also a burn out period, when people first get into something they spend a lot of time setting up their profile and adding friends and then ease into a maintenance period where they spend less time at the site and primarily go there when they get a notice that someone wrote them a message, wrote on their wall, super poked them, blah, blah, blah. When you're talking about such big numbers of unique users (rounding) the Compete data says 34 Million in August and 31 Million in September, it's not such a big variance. And to be fair Om calls it a small dip, but his headline says "Traffic Tanks". ...